What’s this newsletter about?

Wise & Well delivers actionable insights to your inbox weekly, with links to our science-backed news and feature stories about smart and healthy behaviors and choices to cultivate physical fitness, mental wellness, emotional resilience and, ultimately, a wee bit more happiness. Without all the hype.

The goal is simple: Help make your tomorrow a little better than today.

You’ll find informative summaries of our feature stories written by journalists, doctors, psychologists, physical therapists and other professionals, and published in Wise & Well, a publication I founded on Medium. Most of the links in this newsletter are “friend links” so that even if you’re not a Medium member, you can read the full stories.

About me

While I’ve been on this planet for only six decades, three of them have been spent researching and reporting on science and health. I’m the former editor-in-chief of Live Science and Space.com and author of the book Make Sleep Your Superpower. I also offer a weekly Writer’s Guide newsletter on Substack to help nonfiction writers grow and improve their craft. (full bio)

I’m a skeptical optimist. I believe we can all do better, and I put my trust in science while acknowledging that, like you and me, it’s never perfect, always evolving, and sometimes—oops—totally off its rocker. I sift through studies new and old to find the good, the bad and the questionable. I talk to the experts. Then I boil it all down into concise, accurate, readable takeaways that reflect both what’s known and what’s not.

As an editor, I expect the same level of skill and skepticism from Wise & Well writers.

And I edit a lot of excellent writers. Combined, we provide you with a newsletter chock full each week of actionable, science-backed stories to help make your tomorrow a little better than today.

Subscribe to Wise & Well: Helping you make tomorrow a little better than today

Wise & Well is a NO-AI publication: All stories are written by a real humans with real expertise and lived experience. (About this public-domain logo.)

Subscribe to Wise & Well

Science-backed insights into health, wellness and wisdom, to help you make tomorrow a little better than today.


Founder and Editor of Wise & Well on Medium + The Writer's Guide. Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower. Former EIC of Live Science and Space.com. Recovering media company executive.